Go Bananas for These CHIPS!


Are you going bananas every time you see delicious, crunchy chips? Snack time or not, it may feel like you instantly want to munch on them. Below are some attributes of banana chips that will truly fit the bill for it to become the CHIPS we go crazy for!

Banana Chips Snacks

Crispy, Crunchy, Chewy

A chip is not a chip if it’s not crispy. One reason why people want to munch on crispy snacks from time to time is because we are inclined to food texture. Aside from wanting the actual taste of the food, sensory experience is also a consideration. It includes the texture felt and sound produced while the food is being chewed. When we hear the sound of a crispy chip as we chew, we achieve a simple kind of pleasure that we’re not aware of most of the time. Banana chips are a sure example of a crispy delicious chip that we can snack on. The crunchy sound produced in every bite is music to the ears and repetitive auditory sensation will make us want to munch for more. This is why we like our chips to be surely crispy, crunchy and chewy. So, make sure to store those precious banana chips inside resealable plastic bags or airtight containers to prolong crispness.


Many chips are available in the market but not all chips are healthy. Since people can not resist the temptation to keep munching, one good thing we can do is to make sure that the chips are not just delicious, but healthy too. From the oil used to the flavors added, consumers are always in search of the chips that will fit the bill. And when it comes to health benefits, a banana chip is an excellent choice.

A raw banana contains potassium, magnesium, sodium, protein, fiber and carbohydrates. And when chips are made, these nutrients are not lost. It is said that a 1.5 ounce of fried banana chips contains 225 milligrams of potassium and 3 grams of fiber.  The magnesium content aids in energy boost and helps keep the skeleton strong. Potassium offers lots of benefits to support nerves, muscles and blood pressure. Although many argue that fried banana chips are not healthy because of their oil and sugar content, there are a wide variety of choices in the market to meet customer concerns for healthier and more organic products.


“Noisy food makes you think about them.” According to research, humans love crunchy snacks because of the loud rattling sound that travels to our inner ear which helps us identify what we are eating. That is the joy we experience when eating a crispy chip, no wonder why when we see one, we can’t resist to not munch on it. Aside from the crunchiness, banana chips are also sweet most of the time. Anything sweet is usually so irresistible, as sugary foods are linked into uplifting people’s moods into a happier state.

Promising, Profitable, Practical

In the Philippines, banana trees are everywhere. Being a country blessed with the amazing fruit, abundant supply is an opportunity for profit. There are lots of banana recipes known in the Philippines. Turning them into chips is probably the most promising, practical and profitable thing to do. To avoid wasting them when supply is excessive, it is most sensible to turn raw bananas into a stackable snack. It will not merely remain to be a snack to munch on every time but could also be used as a topping, an add-on, or a replacement ingredient to the usual relish the kitchen is accustomed to. And if the odds are going well, a small business venture could always be started. Surely, profit is always feasible with this amazing product.

Sweet, Salty and Superb

A banana is very known to many Filipinos. Its taste, only a few wouldn’t prefer, will always be a familiar flavor for most. So for banana chips, may it be sweet, salty, dipped in sugar or any kind of sweetener, with additional flavor-boosters or simply plain, it still remains an enticing treat. In the local market, there are lots of available variants of banana chips to choose from. So if you find yourself wanting some crunchy, healthy, irresistible, practical and superb chips to snack on, grab some banana chips now and enjoy!